Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This is the Privacy Policy for Ironchain Capital, INC, also known as IRONCHAIN CAPITAL and the Website ( and all online services offered directly by IRONCHAIN CAPITAL on the Website. IRONCHAIN CAPITAL is a Bitcoin mining and bitcoin services company with a business address at 33 IRVING PLACE, NEW YORK, NY 10003. This privacy policy is effective upon the date of posting (October 29, 2020) and any changes to this policy take effect immediately upon posting. By browsing or using our Website (, you accept this privacy policy.

What personal data we collect, and why we collect it


IRONCHAIN CAPITAL may use third-party tracking cookies to measure website data, advertising, and providing a better user experience to visitors.
The organizations providing the cookies may include but are not limited to Google, Facebook, and IRONCHAIN CAPITAL. The duration of these cookies is the standard duration set by the cookie provider.


IRONCHAIN CAPITAL uses Google Analytics to provide data to our development teams to manage and improve your experience of our Website and services. We do not collect personally identifiable information. If you would like to access what browsing information we have – or ask us to delete any GA data – please delete your _ga cookies, reach out to us via this form, and install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On.

Contact Forms and Email Communication

Any information you provide to IRONCHAIN CAPITAL via electronic mail or online contact forms will be used by IRONCHAIN CAPITAL to fulfill your requests and never sold to third-parties.

Who we share your data with

Any information you provide to IRONCHAIN CAPITAL will be held by IRONCHAIN CAPITAL and will not be sold to third-parties. IRONCHAIN CAPITAL will only provide information to third parties if they are providing services directly to IRONCHAIN CAPITAL. An example of such personal data usage is sharing your email address with a mail service provider such as SendGrid, when you join a IRONCHAIN CAPITAL mailing list.

How we protect your data

We use secure servers and industry-standard data center services to power our Website. Any personally identifiable information will be held in password-protected or encrypted data storage and will only be accessible by our IT Team managers and with the permission of IRONCHAIN CAPITAL executives.

What data breach procedures we have in place

In the event of a data breach, we will disclose the breach on as soon as possible and provide relevant information on the scope of the data accessed. We do our best not to keep personally identifiable information on our servers for long periods of time to mitigate the effects of any data breaches.

What third parties we receive data from

We receive data from Google Analytics and, in the future, will list other data providers in this section as we integrate with their systems.
We do not provide services with automated decision making, and we may use aggregated non-personally-identifying information to expand our services through marketing and product development input.

How to contact us

If you have any concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or information you have provided to IRONCHAIN CAPITAL, please email